Hi, there! 

I am Chris K. N., and I write about many things in different languages. This is where it all mixes.

Skikkelig sær skriving og orddeling

Synes du det er vanskelig å vite hvilke ord som skal slås sammen? Det er sånt som visse mennesker får høyt blod trykk blodtrykk av. Her er noen tips som kan hjelpe deg forbedre den norske folke helsen folkehelsen.

Theory of everythig

Who Wants a Theory of Everything?

It’s about time someone answered all the difficult questions about the universe once and for all, isn’t it? And since no one else seems to be taking the task seriously, I guess it’s up to me…

Can we trust the bible?

How do Christians Know What to Believe?

The question in the title is sincere, and if you are a thoughtful, believing Christian, I hope you will answer it in the comments. But to get better answers, I want to give some context for the question, and hopefully challenge you a bit in the process.

Time is relative

The Way We Think About Time is All Wrong

… and it makes us say and do silly things – like claim that the universe is 14 billion years old or compare ourselves to people born at approximately the same time as us. If we can change how we see time, we can see how silly that is, and maybe add some more time to our lives in the process.

Columbus: Galaxy brain and 15th century tech bro

Don’t Underestimate The Reckless Stupidity of Columbus

We’re coming up on that time of year, again, when we can’t agree on whether we should be celebrating Columbus or not. Much of the controversy has been debated to death, but I don’t think we’ve quite internalized, as a culture, quite what a remarkably reckless and ill-informed idea it…

Free idea: Redesign the airport arrivals pick-up zone

At most busy airports I’ve been to, traffic outside of Arrivals is pure chaos. That seems like an entirely avoidable failure of planning and architecture, and a fixable problem. I’ve travelled far less than many people, but have visited enough large, busy airports to notice a pattern. A traveler’s first…