Writing (18)

Chris K. N.

Det gode liv i Galicia

Man reiser ikke til Galicia for severdighetene, men for roen. Her er noen forslag på måter å finne den. Ved å ta inn på en galisisk Bed & Breakfast, har du allerede tatt del i den jordnære atmosfæren som råder i området, men man behøver…

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Chris K. N.

Det uparfymerte Spania

Det er en mørk ironi i at et skip kalt Prestige skulle gi Galicia så hard medfart, for hvis det er en ting du ikke kommer til å se mye av i den spanske regionen, så er det nettopp prestisje, eller alt det innebærer av…

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Chris K. N.

Legislation, Regulation & Documentation

Between domestic legislation, international law and multilateral consensus, a group of about 40 industrialized countries with a thing about signing papers, have made a megalomaniacal dictator’s job difficult – not to mention that of his suppliers. The handful of countries that, after having started two world wars, have learned the recipe for destruction, are doing their best to keep it a secret.

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Chris K. N.

The mirror

We are capable of looking ourselves in the mirror – Geir Vinghøg, Chairman of the Board at Vinghøg AS, about knowing how and why the export control system works. Most arms producers have an idea of what they are allowed to do, and what requests…

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Chris K. N.

The 12.7-millimeter football

Nicholas Marsh with NISAT doesn’t criticize Norwegian arms politics very much. As far as he’s concerned it stands up quite well in international comparison. But nothing is perfect. There are the issues raised by exporting weapons to Turkey, but he realizes that it would be…

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